"What is The Big Dog"?

The Big Dog is taking a term synonymous with Australian mateship, banter and authority - to tackle the dog we don't speak about (the 'black dog').

The Big Dog is here to provide a platform that simultaneously provides a support network, guidance from experience (personal stories), events, fundraisers and more. The importance in not only having a voice, but having your voice heard is becoing increasinly important - especially in Males.

With 75% of those who take their own life being Male (lifeline.org.au), there is so much more we can do to truly make a simple conversation more than "OK".

Join the movement to learn more about yourself, how to have a proper conversation with those you care about, and raise funds along the way for charities doing direct work to combat these daunting statistics, such as the 'Black Dog Institute' in Sydney, Australia.


"What is the overall goal of The Big Dog"?

To break down the stigma in Men across the Country (and the World) that speaking out isn't weak.

That doesn't mean just speaking up against injustice, but opening up about your own personal hardships, as well as being there for those battling their own demons.

To bring about change, one must first act. This, too, can be your first step towards making a difference (big, or small) every single day.

"Who is The Big Dog supporting"?

Whilst we're here to support Males of all ages across the World, we are also supporting the Black Dog Institute directly here in Sydney, Australia. Their ongoing efforts into research and support, we believe, is vital to tackling the mental health stigma across the nation.

"Why is The Big Dog needed"?

Experiencing the stigma first hand around Men and the inability to openly discuss our emotions - The Big Dog was formed.

8 Australians die every day by suicide, with 1 in 4 Australians feeling alone and that they have no one to speak to (lifeline.org.au).

With figures putting Males in alarming danger of these statistics, and current dynamics being restrictive to support and progression - change is needed.

We are here to do whatever we can from providing a safe space to speak out, to learn from other blokes, to share your appreciation, to joining the community and raising funds to help other blokes out there too!

"What can I do to make a difference"?

The focus on 'Self-love', 'Self-awareness' and 'Selflessness' is key to changing the current dynamics.

In understanding a new space, we are able to then pass on that knowledge to those we care about. By learning about your own emotions and wellbeing, we can create a 'domino-effect' where there is no hesitation to not only speak about wellbeing, but to offer direct support to one-another.

Get involved however you can, follow our socials to watch the impact a pack can make.

"What can I do to support The Big Dog"?

The best thing you can do is simply get involved - don't be shy. Everyone in the community, every post, every action is for the betterment of all blokes alike!

By purchasing a gift for a mate, spoiling yourself with some merchandise, or entering one of our upcoming raffles - you're directly keeping the community alive as well as donating to a deserving charity - The Black Dog Institute.